The Reality of Real Estate with Chris and Bri
Brianna Lehman, the Realtor, and Christopher Lynch, the Lender, give a real take on making home ownership attainable. They break down real-life scenarios, trends in the market and give their personal tools to make homeownership not just your dream but your reality.
The Reality of Real Estate with Chris and Bri
The Heart of Home Buying: Unveiling Real Estate Realities and Navigating the Market
Ever wondered how the giddy excitement of holiday spending compares to the solid satisfaction of buying a home? We're Brianna and Christopher, and we're peeling back the layers of real estate and lending to reveal the heartfelt journey of home buying. From my (Brianna's) nine-year triumph as a buyer's agent to Christopher's dance with lending since 2014, we're unraveling the threads of personal sacrifice, trust-building, and the guiding principles that have shaped our careers and our clients' dreams.
Strap in for a candid conversation that takes you from the highs of holiday indulgences to the strategic moves in property investment. We tackle the nitty-gritty of imperfect credit, the maze of mortgage options, and the down payment decisions that can perplex even the most seasoned homebuyer. Whether you're dipping your toes into the market for the first time or searching for a home to grow old in, we dissect the current landscape—interest rates, rent vs. buy debates, and all—arming you with the insight to play the game like a pro.
And because we know this ride can be as daunting as it is thrilling, we're inviting you to join the dialogue. Share your curiosities, seek clarifications, and suggest topics that light your fire. This is more than just a podcast; it's a community where your voice helps steer the ship. So, follow us on Instagram at reality of real estate podcast, drop us your thoughts, and let's turn the dream of homeownership into your living, breathing reality.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LucasLiveMedia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realityofrealestatepodcast/
Email: Brianna Lehman- blehmanrealtor@gmail.com
Email: Christopher Lynch- Christopher.Lynch@ccm.com
Hey everyone, what's going on? Welcome to the Reality of Real Estate podcast. I am one of your hosts, Christopher Lynch, and welcome my co-host.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, my name is Brianna Lehmann.
Speaker 1:We give you a real take on making home ownership attainable.
Speaker 2:We will be breaking down real life scenarios, trends in the current market and giving you our personal tools to make home ownership not just your dream, but your reality.
Speaker 1:Get ready to be inspired, motivated and ready to take action towards building your own empire.
Speaker 2:Because when you invest in real estate, you aren't just purchasing a home, you're investing in your future.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the Reality of Real Estate podcast with Brianna Lehmann and Christopher Lynch. And so today, what are we going to talk about? Bri?
Speaker 2:We are going to tell you who we are, why we're doing this and what we can do for everybody listening.
Speaker 1:Awesome, I love it. Do you want to tell them about who you are, how long you've been in the business?
Speaker 2:Sure, okay. So my name is Brianna. Some people may know me as Sarah, so let's just address it right now. So Brianna is my government name, brianna, sarah, actually Beth, I have two middle names. I'm one of those Somewhere along the line in high school, maybe a little before that, I had switched high schools and people started calling me Sarah versus Brianna, so like you knew me as Sarah.
Speaker 2:Sure did In the real world and then, once I started selling real estate, they were like that's kind of a nickname. You got to use your real name. So if you know me by Sarah, that is still me. I did not change my name, but I've been in the business now going on 10 years. I just celebrated my ninth year this past summer, which was amazing. I remember starting real estate and they told me like if you make it past your third year, you're going to make it. I was like I don't think I'm going to make it and then, now, here we are.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, what about you? So we knew each other outside of this Correct. And then one day someone was like do you know, Topher is doing lending. And I was like I didn't, I didn't know that.
Speaker 1:So tell me about you. So my government name is Christopher Lynch, and years ago I actually had started a clothing brand, and so like that's how people knew me as.
Speaker 1:Topher, just because it was the only name that I liked for my brand. But I've been now doing lending since often on since 2014. Now consistently and back in it full time. No if, ands or buts for the last six years. But you know, for anyone who has like kind of ran into me, whether I was working at a bank, I was working at a credit union. I have been now like, I guess, residential mortgage companies solely for three and a half years. So people kind of say the same thing on the lending side. It's like it's either you got it or you don't. And if you make it past, you know, a certain year, then you're good and you just kind of have to keep grinding it out. But I grew up in a mortgage office, basically. So it's one thing that I can say I love and I can't not do.
Speaker 2:Right, so is that how like? How did you get into lending?
Speaker 1:Well, my mom is how I got into it. Okay, and I love my mom dearly, but we can't work with each other.
Speaker 2:Is she still in lending?
Speaker 1:Yes. Oh for residential or residential commercial investments, like she still does it.
Speaker 2:You're your mom's competition.
Speaker 1:Yes, I am locally hilarious.
Speaker 2:I did not know that.
Speaker 1:Yep, and you know she sends out all the magazine, she does all all this crazy stuff. But yes, but we also are good when, if she can't do something, or like if she feels like hey, do you have like a better option? You know, can I refer someone to you and like vice versa, but yeah, like we, just we don't. You know, we don't work well together.
Speaker 2:That is so funny. I did not know that.
Speaker 1:Yes, but no, like she taught me a lot of things that I know. And if I can't get ahold of, like, my operations manager or one of my underwriters, I just call my mom for a second opinion and get her feedback and say, okay, like now I know how to address this, like a different way, from a different perspective, to be able to help someone. So it's nice, nice, and like are you on a team? Are you independent? Like, tell us about that.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I work for Jose Medina and Associates at Keller Williams Legacy Group, which is always a mouthful to say. I am on a team, so right now, my role is I work mainly with buyers, only with buyers at this moment. So I'm a buyer's agent, buyer specialist. However you want to look at that, I have done so over the last nine years. I have been a solo agent. I have worked on other teams, I have done both sides and I just truly love working with buyers. So when I started working for Jose, that was it. I was like I want to work with buyers. They offer me the option to do both for my sphere, but I just love helping people and I don't know, like you, work with buyers only as well. So I don't know about you, but I feel like there's more of a connection whenever I'm working with a buyer. Yes, 100%.
Speaker 1:No, I definitely agree with that. Buyers are just different than sellers, especially if it's a buyer who's never done this before and, like you, have the opportunity to really build that rapport with them. They gain your trust, you get to trust them and actually just walk through this process of what it is like to become a homeowner. But then at some point we've had clients together to where we just feel like either their friends or family to us, just like our group texts with them and just different things, just based upon like hey, these are our people, we vibe together, they like us, we like them. And it's easy when you know that you found your people and who happens to be your client, I like it. You said that you can do a listing if it's in your sphere, so do you do that often or is it just like hey, like no, I like having my buyers and unless it actually makes sense for me to take this on, so I haven't actually done a listing, taken on a listing of my sphere.
Speaker 2:Yet it's funny, I have gone to do it several times and then, when it comes time to it, I'm just like you chicken.
Speaker 2:I don't check it. But, okay, I don't check it. But it is nerve wracking because it is a different world, almost. Being a buyer's agent is so hands on. I am in your business the whole time, from the time I meet you until the time we close. I'm talking to you daily and I'm kind of a control freak where the listing agents are like, girl, you got to like, let this be, we give it to our closing coordinators and move on. So and if come on, if it's like me as a buyer's agent or you have the opportunity to work with one of our listing partners that live the world of listings here, they're going to help you better than me at this, this part of my journey in real estate.
Speaker 1:That's fair. I like it.
Speaker 2:And they do great, you know, and then everybody's happy and I get to show up at closing and rah, rah, that's good.
Speaker 1:I like it. You know that is good, that's so funny. I don't chicken, but you did.
Speaker 2:Well, my fear is, you know, my biggest fear of being a listing partner is listing the prices of the home. I do this all day. I run comps for buyers, for buyers, all day. But when I'm running a comp for a buyer it is to get them the lowest price for the house, and listing agents are not Not for that.
Speaker 1:so that is true? Yeah, because on a selling side that is not your goal. No but Trying to like just tie all this together. So you guys are aware, as you know, our listeners hopefully become our friends and you know, just kind of ride this wave with us throughout our journey. What's your take on like? What is the purpose of why we decided to do our podcast?
Speaker 2:so for me personally, my biggest purpose in this is to Educate people who may maybe they bought a house years ago or this is their first time, or really For anybody who thinks that it's not Attainable to buy a home. To teach them, give them the tools that we have and that we use. Educate them on the things that we're learning. You know, in real estate every day it can change like great and just laws and the way that we operate in this business. So, teaching them, educating them and making this reachable. Like I remember, like for myself and my family, my parents didn't buy a house until I was in ninth grade and that's so nuts.
Speaker 1:Yeah, my mom didn't either.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, so maybe you felt this way, but it made me feel like a little like I Don't know it embarrassed I guess yeah, cuz all my friends own.
Speaker 1:Yes, and Even like where you didn't think that it was possible. You're just like I know what you know Bobby and Johnny's parents do, and I know what my mom does and like why didn't we do this? That's so crazy.
Speaker 2:So for me it felt a little out of reach and as an adult I carried that with me and, like you've ran my credit, you know we've gone through this process together perfect fire and yeah.
Speaker 2:I it is Racking to me. So reaching those people who maybe feel like, is this even possible for me? Like it is possible and let's talk about it and don't be afraid to have that first conversation and the first person I'm gonna send them to is you, the lender. Like here's where you begin, so like on your side, so as a buyers agent. That's why I want to like real people in for lending. What is it for you?
Speaker 1:well, that is still so wild to me that your parents didn't buy Like your family's first house. She were in ninth grade and it's the same thing for us and my mom had come to us that year and she asked us if we wanted to have Christmas or if we wanted to have a house of our own, and when you're, you know, for 13, 14 years old, it just it did.
Speaker 2:I want Christmas, no we didn't be honest.
Speaker 1:Like our neighbor at the time. She was really annoying and we did not like her, and so we told my mom that we wanted to have our own home, and so she that year I don't know how she did it, but we still got our house and we still had Christmas.
Speaker 2:Of course, because that's what moms do, and I'm not gonna have Christmas.
Speaker 1:I know, but that's not what she set us up for. We just knew that we were, we didn't have to share a room anymore and we were actually getting our own house. And so, like I always share that story, like with my clients, just to say like, hey, sometimes we have to look at what are you willing to sacrifice? But then also, like, if you trust me, I'm gonna trust you and you know you have to trust your agent, but we're gonna help you see this through right and so you can be someone who just doesn't understand.
Speaker 1:You can be a person who has never had the conversation before, and or you can be someone to where, like it's your fifth time buying a house doesn't necessarily matter, but every transaction is different and Every home is going to be different, and so it's just like I tell my clients all the time we're either going to become really good acquaintances or we're going to become best friends. Throughout the process and when it's done and over with, you can keep me as a friend or you can kick me to the curb right but Hopefully we've built a good enough connection to where, like, I'm your lender for life.
Speaker 1:Right and those are the people who I want to connect with and help see this through. Just because if someone can stop paying rent and actually get to own their own piece of dirt, and when you can see that piece of dirt and the house that sits on it, appreciate over time and you can see what it can do for you, it changes the game Right and like I just love seeing that for clients.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, I agree. So what are some things that like, as we do more episodes and as we get into this, what are some topics that you really want to touch to educate future clients or future buyers?
Speaker 1:I want to talk about not having you know what the world considers perfect credit and when you truly actually need to be, or where you can be, and what that looks like.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about, like different products and Down payment. I want to talk about if you are someone who wants to maybe become an investor, if you are someone who's currently working as an agent, working in, you know, lending and like you're seeing, you know, like our current crazy market, what that looks like and how are we, you know, doing deals every single month and they haven't seen anything.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about People kind of just kind of like circling back to are you in a position where you're truly buying your starter home as a first home, or Are you someone in a position to where, like, no if ands or but you need to find your forever home? Right, and if you do need to do that, what does that look like? But also, if you are buying your first home and it is truly a starter home, what does that look like? And I just want to be real with people, be us like we talk every single day and I just want to give them a glimpse of like, hey, these are two real friends outside of the business who Happen to work together, have a great referral partner relationship and but like can actually help us?
Speaker 2:right.
Speaker 1:That's kind of what I want to see.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so to piggyback on that, all of that for sure you know we have talked about right now should we rent or should we buy? That's a huge topic and some a question I get every always by always buy. Never about time to invest in real estate ever.
Speaker 2:For me. I want to talk about the buying process. You know, a buyer's consultation is huge for me, but not every buyer wants to take the time to do that. So let's talk about from beginning to end what that looks like, the current rates. We need to talk about that, how it impacts buyers and sellers. So I think that we have a lot of topics that I'm excited to talk to about with you, especially because I do trust you.
Speaker 1:So I would hope so.
Speaker 2:And you have, especially lately, have worked wonders with people on the lending side, because it's tough out here. Well, unless they're cash buyers, the most important component of a transaction is lending. So yes we need all of your knowledge.
Speaker 1:Well, we need all of yours. It's just it's the fact of Shouldn't say it's the fact of the matter, but it really is kind of boils down to you have to pick your team, and Picking your team that you want to work with is very important, because if you do not pick the right team, you find yourself being frustrated or in times where, like, maybe your feelings are valid but like, could this have been handled differently with a different team? And so and there's also going to be times to where, like we can say it that we might not be the right fit for someone absolutely, and but we know a lot of times we are the right fit and it's actually just like truly meeting people where they're at, to getting them to where they want to go, and how do we do that?
Speaker 2:Right, and at their pace too. I think that that's so important is I am working for you. I am working for you like I'm running this marathon with you, and sometimes it's a marathon, sometimes you're in a position where it is a sprint. But either way, what are your goals and how? How can we help you get there?
Speaker 1:And what?
Speaker 2:are the tools that we have for you to use.
Speaker 1:I love it. Yes, it's like I Was just telling someone yesterday. It's like you get to say how fast or how slow we're going, especially in like the pre-approval process. It's not until you're under contract and you've had that accepted offer do you have to share that control and At that point, just because we have deadlines that we have to commit to and.
Speaker 1:But before that, you truly are navigating this thing with us and you do say how fast or how slow we're going and, and sometimes it's at a turtle's pace and sometimes it's like Holy heck, like I'm over here racing against an Olympian and like it's just you. You get to say that and you have the power to say that, because it's a huge decision and it's one of the biggest decisions that you'll ever make in your life. That's why I don't give you that much crap about you know, not finding, you know, like this gym or this perfect property that you need to find, because it's a big decision and I can relate to my clients and I just said this yesterday myself.
Speaker 2:Like I'm in your position, like I'm out I'm out in these streets fighting for a house to Define out, and a lot of times I'm competing against my own clients, but I just let them know because this market can be frustrating and we'll talk about that too. We're gonna talk about market trends and what's going on and the reality of where we are, and I feel the same pains you know, so I it's not just me blowing smoke when I tell my clients like I, I feel your defeat because I'm Living in it too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean, like I, we can even talk about like I bought my house in 2021 and it was Frustrating and it was hard and it was there was so many disappointing moments. Yeah and I. I also think that it's crazy that my house that I live in now was on the market a year prior and I wanted to buy it and my wife said no, and? But it was also on the market for a hundred thousand dollars less, with no changes.
Speaker 2:Less a year ago than when you bought it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh see, you bought it for way more.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:But she didn't like it, she wasn't interested in going to see it, she didn't even want to talk about it, and so it's just like hmm, I mean like, how do you do this?
Speaker 1:Right and like this is like those frustrating moments were for someone who is in the industry, right, and so, like that's another part of this is just like we were right in this with you, right Whether we're doing it now, we've done it previously, but like we see this every single day, right, and so I just Want you to know that you're not alone, but that's also the important part of picking the right team for you right.
Speaker 2:So we are, and we both live in the community that we're serving. We've grown up in the communities that we're serving and we care about them too, and I think that that matters, that we are people's people. Yes, and at the end of the day, I want what's best for my clients and that's what they tell me. Yes what is best for you in your situation right now.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. I Think that it is crazy that we didn't say this in the beginning. But you, I am married and I have two kids, and they're crazy but it's fun.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And, but yeah, I just I felt like we should touch on that, since I just randomly threw in there that you have a wife?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that I have a wife.
Speaker 1:But do you want to tell them anything about your family? No, just kidding.
Speaker 2:So I have a daughter, a little girl. She is eight, about to be nine. I am not married, so by all I guess I'm a single mom. I do have a boyfriend, so, who is very supportive and a good partner for my business, because and that's something we can talk about too, is maybe later down the road is how time consuming this is, and having that support has been crucial.
Speaker 1:Yes. But, Because without it, you, you drown.
Speaker 2:You drown, yes, but yeah, addy is always been my why. I think that that's why I do this literally and helping single moms or first time buyers, or getting to know their kids and watching their kids grow up, and that that's a huge part of this for me too. And one thing I love about this business is I can bring her sometimes too and it's she has been in houses like telling my clients what's good or bad about it and I'm just like oh my gosh, you're either going to cost me a sale or they're going to feel bad for me.
Speaker 2:Not this house, but she is definitely.
Speaker 1:Addy is definitely why I do this, and she, she fuels my drive, so I will never forget the one time that a client texted me and said we really liked the house, but Addy hated the kitchen.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:And I was like wait, what is Addy, addy moving in?
Speaker 2:Addy is their agent. One time someone, addy, didn't go to a showing with me with somebody that she previously had, and they said please don't show her, she will judge.
Speaker 1:And I'm like.
Speaker 2:Addy is judgy. I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 1:No, I love it.
Speaker 2:She likes what she likes.
Speaker 1:I love it. Riker has helped me, went over a client a time or two or a dozen, and it is. It is very helpful when people just know that, like you're human and you know like your kids are a part of your life, just like my kids and my wife are a part of mine, it is, it's huge and it makes a difference. And I mean, like just two weeks ago I turned off the lights upstairs and we were all going downstairs and I was on the phone with a client. They started screaming because they're afraid of the dark and but you're allowed to do that at one and a half and five and I was so embarrassed for a second and the couple. They just said we don't care.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:They were just like it's fine Turning. So the husband said turn the lights back on or just hurry up and get downstairs. But no, like it's just, it's nice to where your kids can, they can see you working. They know why you're doing what you're doing and to like their own capacity. I know that my mom is working and doing all these things, so that's great and doing something that they see us love.
Speaker 2:Yes, that is so big. Like Addy will tell people at school, my mom's a buyer's agent. Like she's proud because I'm proud, you know. Like she knows I'm not somebody. There are days when I'm like why do I do this? Is this crazy? We're on vacation, I'm answering calls, but then, when that calls over, I'm like I really love this. Like I'm on vacation and still able to serve my clients.
Speaker 2:Like we have so many benefits in that department. But and I'm sure, like Riker and Endsley, like they are going to see their dad love what they do.
Speaker 1:Riker just used to think that I played video games on my computer all day and then he realized that there were no people and just numbers and different screens and then he was like, so what is it?
Speaker 2:Like for tonight.
Speaker 1:No, I'm just like no, this is not video games. This is real life, real numbers trying to basically figure out this for people.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then he finally like started to ask more questions and understood. But I was just like what do you mean playing video games? No, no, sir. But I would say, like you know, just to kind of pull all of this together and wrap it up, like the purpose of this episode was just for you guys to just kind of get a little like glimpse of. Ok, this is us. We're here and we are really going to give you all the information that you want to know, Some things that you might not even know, that you wanted to know, because you never know what you don't know and until the information is there, but like we're getting in deep, we're sharing the secrets that you know inside tips and tricks on giving you the opportunity to become a homeowner.
Speaker 2:Yes and any like any part of your real estate journey to it's never, too soon to start, so absolutely so.
Speaker 1:Yes, I would say like that's kind of it for this episode. But, you know, if you are in the market to buy or sell, Brianna Layman can help you, and if you are in the market to need just to have a conversation about financing whether it's now, you know, six months from now, or like if you need help with credit or anything like that just let us know, we're more than happy to help. I think that was a really great first episode for us.
Speaker 2:I hope that you agree? I do.
Speaker 1:And I also am like, fascinated by how we found out things about each other and our families that we just didn't know, and we talk every day.
Speaker 2:I know I love that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know, I can't wrap my mind around it, but I just think that that was great. Now, from here moving forward, you guys tell us what you want to hear.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'd love to hear from you guys and topics that you want us to talk about, or if you have questions for us that you want us to answer or you're wondering about. Okay, well, we're not really ready Now. How soon should like anything that, as you were listening to this, you thought I want to hear this like reach out to us. We are here for your suggestions as we move forward with this.
Speaker 1:I love it. I just hope that everyone else is excited to truly ride this wave with us and it will be a wave to it will be out in the middle of the ocean and I'm afraid of sharks. But I would say, please follow our new Instagram account, which is reality of real estate podcast, and send us an email. My email is Christopher dot Lynch at CCM dot com.
Speaker 2:Mine is being layman realtor at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:All right, friends. As we close things out today, remember, homeownership is more than just a roof over your head. It's a symbol of your strength, resilience and determination.
Speaker 2:Take action, embrace growth and never be discouraged about where you are in your journey.
Speaker 1:And remember to follow us on Instagram at reality of real estate podcast.
Speaker 2:Our emails are linked in the description below.
Speaker 1:You can reach us at Christopher dot Lynch at CCM dot com.
Speaker 2:And my email is be layman realtor at gmailcom. All right, toodles.