The Reality of Real Estate with Chris and Bri
Brianna Lehman, the Realtor, and Christopher Lynch, the Lender, give a real take on making home ownership attainable. They break down real-life scenarios, trends in the market and give their personal tools to make homeownership not just your dream but your reality.
The Reality of Real Estate with Chris and Bri
Leveraging Opportunities in Ohio's Emerging Markets
Ever had one of those surprising moments that just makes you smile, like finding a raccoon in the least expected place, say, Disney World? Get ready for a ride filled with laughs and smart insights, with me, Christopher Lynch, and the unstoppable Brianna Lehman. We're opening up about our adventures in real estate, sharing everything from fixing credit to our funny stories from Florida. But it's not all about the laughs; we're also sharing what we learned from a marriage retreat, showing that a happy home life is about more than just a nice house.
Ohio isn't just known for its football anymore; it's becoming a hot spot for real estate. Come with us as we highlight how cities like Canton and Columbus are growing, where finding the right balance between building and investing is both exciting and something to be careful about. We'll also share a funny story about home renovation that teaches us there's never a perfect time to jump into the market—sometimes, you just have to go for it. If you're thinking about moving to or investing in the Midwest, you'll want to hear our take on what makes this area promising.
Is owning a home just a temporary thrill, or is it the key to building wealth? In this episode, we argue it's definitely the latter. We talk about the real benefits of having a place of your own. Forget about the quick wins from gambling—think bigger, like how buying a $230,000 house can be a smart financial move over time. We'll guide you through different ways to finance a home, including those that need a bit of love, and local programs that could help make your dream of homeownership a reality. Tune in to get all the tips you need to navigate the competitive world of buying a house.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LucasLiveMedia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realityofrealestatepodcast/
Email: Brianna Lehman- blehmanrealtor@gmail.com
Email: Christopher Lynch- Christopher.Lynch@ccm.com
Hey everyone, what's going on? Welcome to the Reality of Real Estate podcast. I am one of your hosts, Christopher Lynch, and welcome my co-host.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, my name is Brianna Lehmann.
Speaker 1:We give you a real take on making home ownership attainable.
Speaker 2:We will be breaking down real life scenarios, trends in the current market and giving you our personal tools to make home ownership not just your dream, but your reality.
Speaker 1:Get ready to be inspired, motivated and ready to take action towards building your own empire.
Speaker 2:Because when you invest in real estate, you aren't just purchasing a home, you're investing in your future.
Speaker 1:What's going on?
Speaker 2:What's up.
Speaker 1:Well, welcome back to Ohio, since you were out there, you know, just trying to get a tan.
Speaker 2:I got a little bit red. I didn't really get a tan. I was like, all right, I'm going out, my skin hasn't seen the sun. I've like millennials, you know, we're like all about skincare, no wrinkles, and I forgot to bring SPF, like even my moisturizer. I left it at home, so I was sitting out in the sun and I could feel it. So I got a little bit red, not really tan but, and now I got wrinkles. So don't look at them.
Speaker 1:But what you pointed out.
Speaker 2:Well, he's brought up my tan. It was nice to come back to see sunshine, though, Because going I mean it wasn't hot in Florida, it was mid seventies, which I think is perfect actually, because we were at Disney World, so running through there it was nice, but I was like gosh. I can't come back to coldness, like my seasonal depression will spike, and it's been nice since I came back. It's been sunshine and you guys are welcome. I brought it with me, packed it up.
Speaker 2:It actually got here over the weekend when you left, so my sister was telling me she's like it's sunny, it's nice here. I'm like, of course I leave and it's nice there, but it wasn't 70.
Speaker 1:So you can take your 70, because I think it was like in the 40s, but it was sunny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very confusing. It is confusing, but I'll take it.
Speaker 1:That's fair. I like it.
Speaker 2:I mean, we let a groundhog predict our future, so maybe he's right though.
Speaker 1:I don't understand it. I never have, and I've just sure that's what you think is telling us whether or not we're going to have more winter or is an early spring. Go for it.
Speaker 2:Addie is terrified of groundhogs. I'm terrified of deer and groundhogs.
Speaker 1:There's a groundhog that keeps coming back, that lives underneath my shed in my backyard, and I just want to let my dog get a hold of it one day. But I also don't want to have to clean up a groundhog massacre in my backyard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, and we had an encounter with a raccoon in Disney. We opened up the elevator. It's there Before I could even say anything. She's hitting the button for the door to close and we're going back down and I'm like Addie, go back up. So we go back up. The raccoon's there. It hits it at us again. She's hitting the button. She is panic. I mean full blown panic. I'm pretty sure everybody at the resort could hear her screaming about this raccoon. But I was like she's traumatized. She's been talking about it since we got back, even this morning. Mom, I hated that raccoon. I'm like Addie, it's a raccoon. You would have thought it was a bear.
Speaker 1:No, I got a bear like Chris.
Speaker 2:I was like, look, it just went in the trash. It pulled out Like that's it.
Speaker 1:No, because what would have happened if it got into the elevator?
Speaker 2:I thought about that so much Like what if they want to attack us? And then I wouldn't?
Speaker 1:No, no, count me out, no she hit that button so fast.
Speaker 2:We are going down before I even knew it was going.
Speaker 1:There's no way there's no. I'm on Addie's side with this one, Because if the raccoon would have got it.
Speaker 2:Back was in the air. I was like we are under attack. Oh my gosh, it was either.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, someone something would have died.
Speaker 2:She said remember an elf Like remember in the movie. Elf, it's like Addie. That is not what's going to happen here. It's not going to happen, but anyway oh, no, that was like the highlight of my trip. Actually, that was so funny, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:But oh yeah, no, no thanks. Yeah. Now all I can picture is what would have happened if the raccoon would have gotten to the elevator. And if I would have seen y'all again.
Speaker 2:My mom said you would have got rabies. I'm like mom don't tell her that she's really so scared, oh my gosh. Anyway, we're so off topic of what our topic is. Update on my credit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's talk about it.
Speaker 2:I called them again, couldn't get through to somebody who would be able to help me, so I have to call back because I was like all right, I got to go. I can't sit on this, so we're still working on it, but it will be resolved. I will fix that.
Speaker 1:All right, I like it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what's going on with you?
Speaker 1:Nothing. The Haley and I went to Millersburg to the marriage retreat and it was good. It actually it's really crazy. There was a day two was better than day one in my opinion, but day two it was like a lot of couples were just like there and they could actually laugh about you have four different like he called them countries that your personality lives in, and whether you are a control person, a perfect person, a fun person or a peace person. And Haley and I just laughed because I am a control freak.
Speaker 1:And she is like everything has to be perfect and it was just like, oh, okay. And then it was like, okay, do you vacation in some of these other ones occasionally? And I'm just like, yeah, I think I vacation and fun and perfect, depending on what it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I peace, I don't.
Speaker 2:I'm not perfect. I haven't been to that country in a while. I should probably start vacation in the peace.
Speaker 1:And but she's like nope, she vacations between like okay, yeah, no, it has to be perfect, but I want to like keep the peace and just like kind of keep things going, like whatever is. Just like kids, you know, don't want to do what needs to be done that day, like I'm just it's not worth the fight for it.
Speaker 1:But then also like fun. So it was nice, but I didn't pay the $20 for to actually take the test. There was a whole test and you had to pay $20 to be able to take it and I was just like.
Speaker 2:no, you could probably find a free one on Google.
Speaker 1:Or I just know myself well enough to where I know and we know each other.
Speaker 2:For sure. Well that's good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, then we came back and we were able to get back to where we started up, or redoing our foyer. And yeah, that was, we were just idiots. But like we haven't done a project like this at home and I had like the sander going, but then our security system kept going off because of all of the dust and what now? And then I couldn't remember my verbal password to tell them how to like disconnect it. And then Haley's like well, I think it's this and I'm like no, I think it's this.
Speaker 2:And so did the cops come.
Speaker 1:No, and then by accident, I hung up on the lady.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:And she finally was just like okay, well, I decided to call you back because I can tell that you're in your house, yeah, and I'm like, yes, it's me. And she's like I'm gonna give you one more time to be able to tell me and, if not, I'm gonna have to dispatch, you know, the authorities out, oh my gosh. And then I was like I was right, what I thought it was the first time and other than that, yeah.
Speaker 2:That has happened to me showing a house where I didn't have the alarm code, or I think that the sellers thought they had turned it off and I couldn't get a hold of the agent and the police had come and I'm like, look, I'm an agent, I promise I'm not breaking into this house. Yeah, that's awful. So now I have PTSD. Every time I see an alarm code when I get my showing notification, I'm like okay, and then you have a countdown of like 60 seconds to find the control panel and disarm the alarm. It's so stressful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, no thanks.
Speaker 2:No. So what are we gonna talk about today?
Speaker 1:Not waiting for the perfect moment, and then also about how I forget exactly what it's called. So, viewers, don't judge me for taking out my phone real fast. Okay, yes, basically how three areas in Ohio, technically four areas in. Ohio are in the top 10 of emerging housing market.
Speaker 2:Which is amazing, and Canton is Canton.
Speaker 1:Maslin, Springfield and Columbus.
Speaker 2:What number is Maslin?
Speaker 1:Canton and Maslin. They got grouped together at number three.
Speaker 2:Which is crazy. So look up what exactly emerging means, Cause I looked it up the other day but I don't wanna botch the definition of what it meant, and I just think it's really cool cause obviously we grew up in Canton, so seeing I grew up in.
Speaker 1:North Canton. I don't know about you.
Speaker 2:Oh, I grew up in Canton. I grew up on 12th and Fulton by Taggart. It's okay. I grew up in Canton, so to see that area, especially the Hall of Fame, is unreal. That water park that they're building right now it's almost done right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I kinda don't like the placement of it though.
Speaker 1:Cause if you're coming up Fulton you can't see and water parks scare me.
Speaker 2:They do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cause people like are gross. They're gross, yes, and they pee in the water.
Speaker 2:They don't scare me, they gross me out, Like anytime we have a cheer compact kind of party-.
Speaker 1:No, like, it scares me to know that I could potentially be drinking someone else's pee.
Speaker 2:Why are you drinking the water?
Speaker 1:If you go under, like the next thing you know it goes up your nose and no, yes okay. I'm not saying like, well, let me go ahead and get a cup and fill it up and drink them.
Speaker 2:That's like what little kids do, but anytime we have a cheer compact Calahari.
Speaker 1:Addie's like Listen, I'm black. It's a privilege to be able to swim, Chris.
Speaker 2:Anyway, what does emerging mean?
Speaker 1:So emerging pertaining to the housing market means that the area offers shoppers or consumers lower cost of living, including home prices, and also thriving local economy to attract the immediate local community.
Speaker 1:Unfortunately, it doesn't always happen that way, which we were talking about right before we started recording and where, like I, have a lot of clients who are out-of-state investors who will purchase in the city limits of Canton and Maslin just because of the ROI, and they know like if you can get a house for especially even if you can get a duplex, and depending on like what the current market rate rent is, then like that's a win, right And-.
Speaker 2:We get calls on our team every day from out-of-state investors. I think every single buyer's agent on our team has at least one out-of-state investor that's looking. Last year I sold four or five properties from Canton to Akron to out-of-state investors and we've talked about this a little bit but people get upset about that. But there's two sides to that. Can we really be mad at them for capitalizing on our market if our consumers aren't doing it.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I mean that is awesome. Obviously, I think the Hall of Fame brings in a lot of-. Yes, Because that's gonna bring in jobs you were talking about.
Speaker 1:Debald, debaldcom. Basically, they're moving everything to.
Speaker 2:North Canton yeah.
Speaker 1:Because previously they only made certain equipment for ATMs out of the one, and I don't even know what street it's on. I just know that it's like caddy corner to the fire station and kinda adjacent to the.
Speaker 2:Hoover company yes, yep.
Speaker 1:Do you know where, like the old spacer used to be? I know exactly where it is yes, cause what is it Whittier's?
Speaker 2:back there I sold a house like right behind it. Yeah, I remember when D-Bold was over by the airport, though Do you remember that like off of shoot?
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 2:What is that? Road.
Speaker 1:What is it? It's larger than R. And R Is it not, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Are you smoking? No, chris. No, I can't remember what it look up the airport road.
Speaker 1:Lobby, Lobby.
Speaker 2:It's larger than L I was thinking Ruby or something I don't know.
Speaker 3:Lobby road, lobby road. Yeah, do you remember that, though? I was in two accidents on that road?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Okay, so that. So D-Bold the Hall of Fame bringing in.
Speaker 1:I forget how even it was in the paper and I forget how many jobs that it said that it was gonna offer. I would look it up, but I'm out of my limit for the month. On Canton repository.
Speaker 2:I know I can't stand that. I cannot stand it Like come on. Just give us the article.
Speaker 1:I want you to subscribe and I'm not subscribing. I'll wait until next month. Do it again.
Speaker 2:Yes, you get like one. Look too, it's so stupid, but anyway Okay. So, with that being said, especially in our market where we service the most, we've had a lot of buyers want to wait for rates to come down or wait for more inventory, and I'm telling that like especially my buyers and you too. Like what's gonna happen when rates go down? We're gonna see an influx of multiple offers again, which I'm already in. In the last week, I've been in multiple offers four times.
Speaker 1:Did you win your one from yesterday?
Speaker 2:I won't know until noon today.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's right. You said they weren't presenting until today, but let us pray. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Amen, but I'm back in multiple offers, every deal I write which there were a few months where I was like wow.
Speaker 1:This is like easy Like you know someone makes an offer and negotiate, or it's like a couple of months ago, if you were in multiples usually just from the conversations like between you and the other agent and going off of the very limited information that they can share about the other offers you could, at least before an offer is written, put yourself in a position to where it's just like okay, like I feel really confident about this and like we feel like we're giving it our best shot. So if we do win, amen.
Speaker 2:And if we lose, then, like we know what to do, moving forward, and I had a conversation with those buyers that were still waiting to hear yesterday and I was like, look, this is the reality. You guys have X amount of time to move. We're really getting close to that. The longer we wait, the closer we get to spring, the more rates the talk of rates coming down more buyers are gonna start coming out. It's gonna be harder, you're gonna be paying more and we're gonna go back into that market. So Yep.
Speaker 2:There is no perfect time to buy, but if you're serious about it and what you say your goals are, that's, what I'm here to do is to help you get there. This is how we're gonna get there. And they were like okay, tell us what to do, so I feel better about it, like I feel more confident. Well, that's good, but especially cause. What did you tell me the other day about rates? I forget.
Speaker 1:That, according to the feds, basically come by May or June-ish they should be in low to mid-fives. That is what they are predicting.
Speaker 2:So the buyers that are buying now at the higher rates, that puts them in a position that they'll be able to refinance pretty soon after that. But those buyers that are gonna wait, we're just gonna have higher competition, which is not something that You're gonna have more competition.
Speaker 1:Like, just to be realistic, for, like viewers and listeners, there really isn't a perfect time to buy a house. There's just not. And so if you are someone who is on the fence about buying a house right now, do you want to wait until the spring or summer In short, maybe just because, like inventory does spike then. But if you are someone who is stalking the market and sorry to put it that way, but if you watch the market every single day and see what homes come available, do you take advantage of it right now, at the current price that it's at, and look into all of your options when it pertains to financing to see if it makes sense for you and, like it's just not a perfect moment for you to say, hey, yes, every single star has aligned here for me to be in a position to buy right now, because, whether it's today, it's three months from now, a year from now, something is going to happen to where it's not necessarily going to be perfect.
Speaker 1:So the perfect moment doesn't necessarily exist. There are great things that can happen, but it won't necessarily be perfect, and I don't say that to be insensitive. It's just Right now. What we see is that, especially if something is dated, you can maybe work in some concessions or because it is dated, a seller is a little bit more receptive if you come in right at their asking price, or sometimes a little bit under, and just because the competition isn't necessarily there and it really won't matter what the house looks like as soon as rates come down.
Speaker 1:Because from a buyer's perspective, it's like, hey, like I'm paying X amount of dollars less in interest and maybe I'd put a little bit less money down, because I'm gonna use the remaining money that I have saved to put into this home to make it look like what I want it to look like, or they'll get frustrated, like they did in 2019 through 2021 of basically feeling like a seller is obligated to update these things or automatically like take money off the purchase price because they feel like this is what it should be, because it is dated and that's just not necessarily the case.
Speaker 2:Right, that's just not gonna happen. Whenever you're in these multiple offers, your chances of negotiating go down. I lost in one and the buyer said to me well, they didn't even come back to us.
Speaker 1:They don't have to.
Speaker 2:I explained to you, even if we're not in multiple offers illegally, the seller doesn't have to negotiate with your offer. They can say I don't want this offer. I'm not countering, move on. But especially in a multiple offer situation, we gotta give our highest and best and there's ways to structure our offers that benefit both parties. And the thing about buying a house, like I want more people to understand, is it's a long-term investment. It is the long game. Like this isn't like you throw your money in Bitcoin or whatever and you get a return right away. I don't even know if that's how it works.
Speaker 2:It's not necessarily, but still. This is a long-term investment. What is the?
Speaker 1:new betting app that all these people use.
Speaker 2:I don't know. That's what I was trying to think of. That's what I'm really.
Speaker 1:It's like the new sports betting app or whatever, oh, or DraftKings.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I can't stand it. But yeah, okay, but still, it's not that way. Like this is a long-term investment that is going to help you and your family build wealth and build assets and have for a long time, like 30 years.
Speaker 1:Look at it like this Is that if you bought a house today for I don't know, we'll just call it $230,000. So that was the average sale price. And so if you bought a house at $230, and your interest rate as of today is 6.99%, but the annual average appreciation for your equity is at 4.5% per year, and when it comes time for your kids to go to college or when it's time for you to retire, and if you say it's your forever home, it appreciates that you will just call it an average of 4.5% per year. And, yes, you bought it at 6.99%. But then rates go down. You have the ability to refinance and you put yourself in a position to where that payment comes down and you can do whatever that you wanna do put more money on the principal or you can invest the difference of the money. Now, with that appreciation, you bought it at 230,. However, many years from now, let's just say here that house is worth $425,000. And when it comes time to retire, comes time for your kids to go to school, come time for your, you need to buy your kids their first car or pay for a wedding, whatever that is.
Speaker 1:You have the equity in your home to be able to tap into.
Speaker 1:It is one of the best investments that you can make, or if you don't need to ever tap into it when you retire and you're just like, hey, we're gonna downsize or do whatever. Like I, have clients who are just like, hey, we're gonna sell our house, but now, with the equity that we have and our net proceeds, we're gonna be able to give each kid X amount of dollars to where they can then go buy their first home. That's amazing and it doesn't always happen to where, like it immediately I shouldn't say immediately, but after years. It's doubled in equity, but it does a lot of times and just compared to what you paid for it and what you've put into it, you can't get that money any other way and so take advantage of it if you can. Same way for the person who, if you buy like there's a house on Woodrow right now Woodrow, I think it is, and it's in a foreclosure it's for $48,000, but, like the average sale price on a home in the neighborhood is anywhere between $110,000 to $115,000.
Speaker 1:If you could buy it. All it really needs is new flooring and paint and, like it might need, like updated appliances. You put a little bit of money in it. That payment is cheaper than most rent, even if you don't stay there for a while. It's a three bedroom and one and a half baths. So like, just simple as that. Take advantage of something like that and see what it can do for you personally and your family. But, also.
Speaker 1:Maybe that's just not your neighborhood, cool, but where is your neighborhood and like is there an opportunity similar to that? Or if there is that house out there that needs some TLC, explore your financing options to see what you can do with this. Sometimes it's there are alone options that can help you it seems like it can be common sense, but unfortunately you don't know what you don't know, and until you have a conversation and start to really like dive into these things, you just will continue to stay in your current situation.
Speaker 2:Well, and to kind of piggyback on Maslin and Canton being in this top three, both of those cities offer down payment assistant programs that buyers don't know about Maslin's is better, maslin is better than Canton, but Canton City still has a program that buyers don't know about and if you're buying within city limits because I have a buyer right now who should be reaching out to you.
Speaker 2:She asked me. She said we wanna stay in Canton City because we wanna utilize this, but can we be in like Canton local school district or plain local? I was like, yes, as long as you were in Canton City limits. So there are programs out there that most people don't know about. They don't know that they exist and they are helpful.
Speaker 1:Which is crazy. I just don't know. Like, as a community, when these options are available, you have to tell the community, and it shouldn't be because you just randomly stumbled upon something that you get to find out about it. And like you just randomly stumbled upon this episode of this podcast and now you know about something. Now you wanna do some more research on your own and make some phone calls and what have you? By all means? I'm glad you listened, thank you.
Speaker 2:Do the research? Reach out to us.
Speaker 1:But I just don't get why they don't advertise it.
Speaker 2:I don't know Especially again where Canton is really taking a turn here and it is coming up and I think we talked about this. We sold a house on Condish Place my team did not me, but it sold for $200,000 plus dollars right off of a full in in Condish Place. In that neighborhood I grew up and that's like to me.
Speaker 2:I was like wow, because when I grew up there, houses were like 35, 40,000 and I loved that area. I still love that area. I have such a love for Canton City and the community and what they're doing there. But to see house prices appreciating that much already and there's these programs that you can utilize to become a homeowner in the city, why are you not doing that? People don't know, and there are times, I'll be honest, I forget it exists as well, because it's not something that is discussed every single day.
Speaker 1:It also just depends on a lot of times like your typical client isn't always like in need of that, or do they qualify Right and so Because?
Speaker 2:that is, of course, you have to qualify. It's not just free money, you have to qualify. There is an application process. But I think, especially for us, and our goal through this podcast is to show people like home ownership is attainable. Here is a resource that you can use in both Maslin and Canton, which, by the way, are top three emerging cities in the country.
Speaker 1:So you can get the amount of house that you can get in those areas, like you can get more house in those areas at a affordable price point Compared to North Canton Jackson Lake.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, those areas.
Speaker 1:Louisville and sometimes, like I get it, if that is, maybe you are renting there, you're just like I don't want to rent here anymore. And. I want to move to X place. That's fine. Right.
Speaker 1:But how do you put yourself in a position to make that happen? Right, If you have young kids, if it's just like hey, I'm trying to figure out what school system I want to send my kids to. Yeah, do some research and see like what is the school system, like you know, like what are they teaching their kids? Especially, like you know what happens on the bus in these school districts.
Speaker 2:Well, and that again, if you live within Canton City, there is a program where you can send your kids to the private schools in the area. So there are just so many tools that you can utilize that people just we say it all the time it literally needs to be our catchphrase you don't know what you don't know. That's what we should have named our podcast you don't know what you don't know.
Speaker 1:But seriously, let's ask them, because if it's too late to change it.
Speaker 2:No, I'm just kidding, no no, no, it's too late for us, but yeah, there's just so many programs and tools that we can help you utilize, and there is not a bad time, at least to start the conversation about buying a house.
Speaker 1:There is no bad time for that, it's not like this episode isn't about like hey, let's apply pressure, and just like you know, Bye today, yeah, right now. But it is to where it's just a little quick reality check of.
Speaker 1:Especially if you're local, you have the ability to see the proof in the pudding to where, like, these areas are considered to be in the top three and you have two people sitting here telling you that this is what we see on a day to day basis. Like I have a client to where last year she bought five investment properties with me between Canton, maslin and Akron. That's awesome. But in between those five properties she makes roughly about a little over like $7,000 a month and rental income. Right.
Speaker 1:And like that's huge and out of on all five of those, what she pays between her property management team and the mortgages on them might be a little over like $3,000.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's wild.
Speaker 2:Things people don't know, and I think a lot of times they just need to see it in front of them. So I mean to wrap this up there's never about time to at least start the conversation you have. We have access to so many tools and things to help.
Speaker 1:But they do too.
Speaker 2:You do too yeah.
Speaker 1:That's our purpose here. Is that we? Want to be a resource. And so, if we can talk to you about like, hey, these are the options and the tools that you could actually have available to you locally within your community, like we want to serve you and so like we want to be an asset and a resource to you, just because, like you are a part of the community, just like we are, and you don't have to wait unless there is something that, technically, is standing in your way.
Speaker 1:And if something is currently standing in your way again without having the conversation we can't give you the resources and the tools and the guidance to just say, hey, this is actually when you can take advantage of X, Y and Z, and this would actually make sense for you to do because of your current roadblock. But, if you don't have a roadblock, or if you don't know if you have any because you haven't started that conversation, then, like, now is the time to have the conversation.
Speaker 2:Yep for sure.
Speaker 1:I like this episode.
Speaker 2:Me too.
Speaker 1:Hopefully.
Speaker 2:And I have to refresh my memory about tools that I'm not utilizing as much, with my clients too. So yeah, I'm trying something Go team. Go team. Okay, well, we'll see you guys on the next episode. Yes, all right.
Speaker 1:Bye guys, bye toodles, All right, friends, as we close things out today, remember home ownership is more than just a roof over your head. It's a symbol of your strength, resilience and determination.
Speaker 2:Take action, embrace growth and never be discouraged about where you are in your journey.
Speaker 1:And remember to follow us on Instagram at reality of real estate podcast.
Speaker 2:Our emails are linked in the description below. You can reach us at Christopherlynch at CCMcom. And my email is blaymanrealtor at gmailcom. All right, toodles.